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Questions - Nordic Developer Zone                                                         Questions      Blogs      Tutorials      Resources      Tour      About      GitHub/Nordic   nordicsemi.com          First time here?   Check out the Tour !                       all     unanswered     unresolved         Ask a question                                 RSS        Sort by »          date          activity ▼          answers          views          votes         21,295 questions        Tagged                3  views      no  votes      no  answers      Last activity   2017-04-10 23:39:21 +0200 by   jcormier      nrf52832 SDK12.2 NRF_LOG stops working after arm_rfft_q15    Have project setup to read values from ADC and then run fft_process. Then print them out over uart using NRF_LOG_* statements.  However after we call the arm fft functions, the NRF_LOG functions stop printing.  The debugger confirms that the program ...  (more)         nrf52832       fft       adc       nrf_log           18  views      no  votes      1  answer      Last activity   2017-04-10 22:52:42 +0200 by   endnode      android studio   How do i connect android studio to the SDK downloaded from nordic semiconductor?  nRF5_SDK_12.1.0_0d23e2a is the name of the SDK             13  views      1  vote      1  answer      Last activity   2017-04-10 22:50:09 +0200 by   endnode      Best way to send float over BLE    What is the Best way to send float over BLE?  Values range between -2.000volt and +2.000Volt (-2000mV / +2000mV)  Do I break it into two uint8_t and manipulate the +/- sign in separate 8-bit byte?  I took the ble_sdk_app_proximity example ...  (more)         10040 nrf52832 s132           4  views      no  votes      1  answer      Last activity   2017-04-10 22:37:14 +0200 by   Kevin      SDK12 BLE DFU MODE = TIMER_MODE_MODE_Timer; NRF_TIMER0->TASKS_STOP = 1; NRF_TIMER0->TASKS_CLEAR = 1; NRF_TIMER0->PRESCALER = 6; NRF_TIMER0->CC[0] = 1000; NRF_TIMER0- ... (more) 9 views no votes no answers Last activity 2017-04-10 21:11:45 +0200 by phob need help with oled and NRF52 DK Hi, i was interfacing oled with nrf52 board. I got some example and modified bit to use it with GCC. But it is now working. Oled not at all starting. oled is 0.96 inch, I2C based 128x64. Vdd = 5v ... (more) 10040 s132 nrf52832 i2c 7 views no votes no answers Last activity 2017-04-10 20:09:33 +0200 by dkwill nRF52 / MPU9150 or 9250 Magnetometer Issue I have been able to get all the MPU based projects to work from this Github site (which has been very helpful!) with the exception of this one. The accelerometer values are coming through fine but getting zeros for the ... (more) 48 views no votes 1 answer Last activity 2017-04-10 17:04:05 +0200 by Stian Any issues without external crystal besides power ? If you dont have an external 32Khz crystal for the nRF52832, besides the higher power consumption, are there any other issues ? e.g. CPU starvation affecting my app during recalibration, how does recalibration affect longer running operations like DFU or ... (more) 13 views no votes 1 answer Last activity 2017-04-10 17:02:32 +0200 by Hung Bui gattc parameters in sd_ble_gattc_write() for dfu Hi, I want to turn peripheral device from application mode to bootloader mode from a central device(not app), so I am trying to write value 0x01 to dfu service. Following is the parameters I set for sending message: uint8_t ... (more) dfu bootloader s130 ble_gattc nrf51 8 views no votes no answers Last activity 2017-04-10 17:02:00 +0200 by Mikhail added service nRF51 SDK9 I added service into ble_app_template like this (more) 18 views no votes 1 answer Last activity 2017-04-10 16:59:48 +0200 by Jørgen Holmefjord How many connections with nRF51 in peripheral role? Is it possible to establish and hold more than one connection in peripheral role? Is it possible to send advertisements simultaneously? nrf51824 keil uvision 5.21 s130 ble sdk12.0.1 958 views 1 vote 3 answers Last activity 2017-04-10 16:50:16 +0200 by lbehhhh Integrate SoftDevice Stack into IAR Workbench 7.10.1 for ARM Hi, I am trying to evaluate the NRF51822 with S110 softdevice stack. My IDE is the IAR Workbench 7.10.1 for ARM. I downloaded the most recent s110 version (s110_nrf51822_6.0.0) which contains a folder of include files ... (more) 37 views no votes 2 answers Last activity 2017-04-10 16:37:59 +0200 by Hung Bui BLE_ERROR_GATTS_SYS_ATTR_MISSING Hi. I have a problem with HID keyboard example. Function sd_ble_gatts_hvx returns 0x00003401. I know that it's means BLE_ERROR_GATTS_SYS_ATTR_MISSING. But how and where I must set attributes or enable notification. I know that I must restore attributes from storage ... (more) 55 views 1 vote 1 answer Last activity 2017-04-10 16:30:55 +0200 by Petter Myhre nRF52840, MQTT, TLS1.2 Dear Nordic, What I want to do: Battery powered sensor network One gateway (BLE --> WLAN) with a serial-to-wifi chip connected to nRF52 MQTT (IBM Bluemix --> CoAP is not supported) TLS1.2 (IBM Bluemix) Long range (Bluetooth 5), indoor and outdoor ... (more) nrf52840 nrf52 mqtt tls1.2 98 views 1 vote 2 answers Last activity 2017-04-10 16:18:47 +0200 by Renix Where are the print statements for the RTT output shown in BLE Services tutorial The RTT output screenshot shows messages for BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED, BLE_GAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED, BLE_GAP_EVT_CONN_PARAM_UPDATE ble services tutorial 32 views no votes 1 answer Last activity 2017-04-10 15:57:04 +0200 by Hung Bui Question about continuous mode ADC NRF24LE1 In the product specification page 165, I see than the continuos mode is 2 to 16kbps. In the page 167 this mode is 2 to 16ksps. Which unit is correct, kbps or ksps? If that were 16ksps at 12 bits = 192kbps? adc nrf24le1 21 views no votes 1 answer Last activity 2017-04-10 15:30:26 +0200 by Hung Bui custom HID over GATT device I'm trying to create a HID over GATT device that is not a keyboard, nor a mouse. About a week ago, I came close by being able to read some data in an OSX app from the device that ... (more) nrf52832 s132 hid 26 views no votes 2 answers Last activity 2017-04-10 15:28:24 +0200 by Levi TWI delay between address and read Hi, I am using TWI on a 52832 (sdk12.2) and am having problems with reading data. The slave chip that can take up to 60uS (8 bus clock cycles) between to set up data after receiving the address of ... (more) twi delay 46 views no votes no answers Last activity 2017-04-10 15:17:35 +0200 by Eddie Integrating Buzzer using PWM for BLE proximity profile using s132 nrf52832 I am Getting the following error when i included PWM related library. compiling softdevice_handler.c... linking... .\_build\nrf52832_xxaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol app_pwm_enable (referred from main.o). .\_build\nrf52832_xxaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol app_pwm_init (referred from main.o ... (more) 37 views no votes 1 answer Last activity 2017-04-10 15:03:41 +0200 by Jørgen Holmefjord Fixed code for app_error_log Source in components/libraries/util/app_error.h (more) dk12.2.0 sdk13.0.0 28 views no votes no answers Last activity 2017-04-10 14:46:11 +0200 by Vala nRF51 MPU9255 TWI/I2C READ Failed Hi all: I used code from Github to read 9 axis data with TWI. But the example in TWI floder doesn't work. Does somebody have the same issue? Chip: nRF51422 Board: PCA10028 Firmware: S130_nRF51_2.0.1 I have checked ... (more) mpu9255 twi nrf51422 pca10028 nrf51 i2c 10 views no votes no answers Last activity 2017-04-10 14:33:10 +0200 by Vladimir saadc_callback is not called Hi, i use n52832 and sdk 11.00, sd s132 v2.0. Through the ble advertising I send the value of adc. I config SAADC with following conf: ret_code_t err_code; nrf_drv_saadc_config_t saadc_config; nrf_saadc_channel_config_t channel_config; //Configure SAADC saadc_config.resolution = NRF_SAADC_RESOLUTION_10BIT; //Set ... (more) 56 views no votes 1 answer Last activity 2017-04-10 14:29:21 +0200 by Jørgen Holmefjord How to read manufacturer specific data Hi, i'm working a BLE gateway with NRF52DK and S132 by using the demo example central uart. The peripheral equipement advertise manufacturer data like this: 0x0001 during 5sec then 0x0002 during 5 sec and stop advertise. But I want ... (more) 10040 nrf52832 uart central 20 views no votes 1 answer Last activity 2017-04-10 14:14:25 +0200 by Jørgen Holmefjord A2DP with nRF52840 Is A2DP available with nRF52840 ? Or will it be delivered in 2017 ? Or is there any implementation of A2DP for nRF52840 elsewhere ? Thanks, Michel a2dp nrf52840 28 views no votes 1 answer Last activity 2017-04-10 14:14:20 +0200 by Pepijn nRF51824 uploads and verifies, but doesn't run except for the experimental examples Hi all, I have updated a custom automotive PCB and am now using the nRF51824 instead of the nRF52832 I had been using previously. Unfortunately, I have been unable to get self-compiled code to run on the new nRF51824. Compiling ... (more) nrf51824 experimental example 160 views no votes 2 answers Last activity 2017-04-10 14:09:28 +0200 by Jax VierMTech RTC with DS1307 For my application I use a RTC. For now without SD and based on SDK 11.0. Later I will implement it in an application with BLE. My device is a Raytac module with a nRF52832 on it. The module ... (more) nrf52832 rtc ds1307 rx ack 36 views 1 vote 1 answer Last activity 2017-04-10 13:52:03 +0200 by Petter Myhre SDK update for S140 v5.0.0-3.alpha? I am very excited about the Bluetooth 5 LR PHY, but do you plan to release an update to the nRF5 SDK to support the newest soft device S140 v5.0.0-3.alpha? nrf5sdk bluetooth5 16 views no votes 1 answer Last activity 2017-04-10 13:49:50 +0200 by Hung Bui how to extend RTC2 wakeup interval time on nrf24le1 Hi All, Is there any way to extend RTC2 wakeup interval time more than 2s ? we know that the maximum interval time of RTC2 on LE1 is 2s, i want to keep LE1 power donw to 30s or more without ... (more) le1 nrf24le1 rtc2 power saving 12 views no votes no answers Last activity 2017-04-10 13:46:30 +0200 by shravani where to read manufacturer data in nrf connect app hi, in nrf connect app i can see only uuids, flags, local name .where can i see the manufacturer data. thank you nrf51822 bluetooth low energy s110 pca20006 130s nrf51822 ibeacon 28 views no votes 1 answer Last activity 2017-04-10 13:20:40 +0200 by Hung Bui pwm hardware individual loading mode nrf52 Please can anyone help me on how to use(program) PWM hardware with individual loading mode? My goal is to control 12 LEDs individually with different duty cycles and playbacks using pwm hardware which has 12 outputs to make a ... (more) nrf52 pwm hardware individual 1 2 3 4 5 ... 710 next page » Statistics Total users: 17902 Latest user: Cecelia Benge Resolved questions: 9040 Unanswered questions: 2476 Total questions: 21295 User menu Username or e-mail Password or sign up Recent blog posts Taking a deeper dive into Bluetooth 5 Posted 2017-04-07 14:53:51 by John Leonard Logging enabled by default in SDK Bluetooth examples Posted 2017-03-29 11:27:02 by Håvard Monitor Mode Debugging with J-Link and GDB/Eclipse Posted 2017-03-29 05:56:12 by Daniel Veilleux Getting started with Nordic's Secure DFU bootloader, a step by step guide Posted 2017-03-20 17:13:52 by Hung Bui From Nordic UART Service to MicroPython using PolyMCU and Gattlib Posted 2017-02-27 16:40:00 by Olivier Recent questions nrf52832 SDK12.2 NRF_LOG stops working after arm_rfft_q15 Posted 2017-04-10 23:39:21 by jcormier Best way to send float over BLE Posted 2017-04-10 21:56:04 by Renix android studio Posted 2017-04-10 21:32:52 by niknam Timer0 interrupt inside timeslot not called Posted 2017-04-10 21:18:09 by Kyrylo Mikos need help with oled and NRF52 DK Posted 2017-04-10 21:11:45 by phob Tags nrf51 × 2 nrf52832 × 2 s130 × 2 10040 nrf52832 s132 × 1 10040 nrf52832 uart central × 1 10040 s132 nrf52832 i2c × 1 a2dp nrf52840 × 1 ack × 1 adc × 1 adc nrf24le1 × 1 ble × 1 ble services tutorial × 1 ble_gattc × 1 bluetooth low energy × 1 bootloader × 1 dfu × 1 dk12.2.0 × 1 ds1307 × 1 fft × 1 i2c × 1 keil uvision 5.21 × 1 le1 × 1 mpu9255 × 1 mqtt × 1 nrf_log × 1 nrf24le1 × 1 nrf51422 × 1 nrf51822 × 1 nrf51824 × 1 nrf51824 experimental example × 1 nrf52 × 1 nrf52 pwm hardware individual × 1 nrf52832 s132 hid × 1 nrf52840 × 1 nrf5sdk bluetooth5 × 1 pca10028 × 1 pca20006 130s nrf51822 ibeacon × 1 power saving × 1 rtc × 1 rtc2 × 1 rx × 1 s110 × 1 sdk12.0.1 × 1 sdk13.0.0 × 1 tls1.2 × 1 twi × 1 twi delay × 1 Show all tags faq | terms and conditions | give feedback Follow Nordic on: Please note: Devzone requires javascript to work properly, please enable javascript in your browser, here is how //IE fix to hide the red margin var noscript = document.getElementsByTagName('noscript')[0]; noscript.style.padding = '0px'; noscript.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent'; askbot['settings']['showSortByRelevance'] = true; askbot['messages']['questionSingular'] = 'question'; askbot['messages']['answerSingular'] = 'answer'; askbot['messages']['acceptOwnAnswer'] = 'accept or unaccept your own answer'; askbot['messages']['followQuestions'] = 'follow questions'; " >



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